Wednesday, December 9, 2009

My heart must be in a thousand pieces, by now.

I am at a loss, once again, on what to share. It's been three months. To continue to write of the cultural experiences here, or the comedies that make up the day-to-day life here in this place, seems far too ordinary at this point.

Humble, that's where I am tonight.

Humbled by the honor God bestowed upon me when he called me here.

Humbled by the generosity and love of those who have supported me in so many ways.

Humbled by the lavish provision of God--so unmistakably personal, intimate, and undeserved.

Humbled by the night sky I can see from my place here, hung like a robe, thick with jewels, across the heavens.

Humbled by the way my 'brother', Sidahmed, gingerly rubbed my hands a few minutes ago, concerned about my 'cold fingers.'

Humbled by the way God turns my weaknesses into something whole and true.

Humbled by the way my Saharawi friends have brought me close in the most everday and extraordinary moments of their lives.

Humbled by the ways my friends have taught me to celebrate what's real, and disregard the rest.

Humbled to think about where I've come from...

Humbled to consider where I'll go.

Humbled by this peace He's given me, found here, in His hand.

Two days left, and my heart wants to go numb. But instead, it will break some more.

Because He bled, too.