Sunday, November 22, 2009


My family has been out of water for almost a week now...

We rely on Algerian water trucks to fill the metal koobah containers outside our tent, but the one belonging to my family has a leak...thus, I have had the opportunity to contemplate for the past several days the very important issue of water.

They say the wars of my generation will be fought over water...Now, my family has been able to borrow a pitcher or two here and there in order to cook and take care of the bare necessities, and Sarah and I still buy bottled water to drink, but it has still been a sobering experience.

The 'bathroom' is horrendous. Human excrement is overflowing because we have no way to flush. We have been unable to wash our clothes or our bodies. (Something tells me it is no coincidence that my "mom" and I are both so sick...)

And this is taking place in the middle of a fairly civilized settlement. They are still able to scavenge enough water to get by.

It is absolutely heartbreaking to realize that there is a much more terrible story taking place every day on this tiny planet. Over 1 billion people lack safe drinking water EVERY DAY. With NO promise of a water truck coming soon.

Fast from water for a day. Google "African/Indian Water Crisis". Or visit,, or and let your heart break.

"And what I say to you I say to all: stay awake." Mark 13:37