Tuesday, October 13, 2009


We slept out under the stars last night, on mats in the sand, breathing the cool air of the desert night.

I lay next to Tikera, my Saharawi sister, and could hardly keep from wriggling with delight under my blanket.

I’ve never experienced a more brilliant sight than the jeweled majesty that was spread above us.
Quivering diamonds, bright, pulsing planets, and the creamy cascade of the Milky Way spelled glory, glory, glory, and I could not sleep, because my heart sang along. With each shooting star that darted across the heavens, I forgot my tired, dusty body and I felt myself caught up in an ancient, living song. I felt tiny but so very, very safe.

“Is not God in the heights of heaven?
And see how lofty are the highest stars!”
(Job 22:12)

And still, the I Am of the galaxies and ages was beside me, and I could feel his breath on my cheek. I fell asleep in the arms of El Shaddai, the Unapproachable One who is so desperately near, so preciously personal. And it was close to eternity, last night.


  1. We worship You because of Who You are.

    Glad you had this time of refreshment. You needed it.

    Love Mom

  2. I agree with your mom! And i'm sure it was nothing compared to this, but i know one of my favorite nights in Las Vegas with NxGen was when we were able to spend the 4th of July in the desert. So beautiful!

    I love you, and i haven't forgotten to e-mail you back! I promise you'll be hearing from me soon, friend!

  3. Stars are cool I guess :/ ... hahaha jk! That is awesome! I think God made the heavens to entertain and inspire us. There is so much to see in the span of one sky. How wonderful is His creation.
    -Ben Guth
