Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Me: "There's a mouse in the cabinet!!!!"
Cheryl: "Yeah, he lives there."


Anyway, I got some new antibiotics yesterday, and, praise the Lord, I am starting to feel human again. My fever is gone and I am starting to be able to eat normally.

Next goal: gain 10 pounds.


  1. I've been following your posts, each and every one! good luck with getting back on your feet. Try to get your hands on some protein too, to help your muscles build up as well.

    I can't wait to see you, please post when you'll be in Jeddah next - I'll be there in January!
    Much love,
    Julianna :)

  2. What did you name the mouse?

  3. Yay for gaining weight! I'm trying too! haha
    -Ben Guth!
