Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"Somehow we realize that great stories are told in conflict, but we are unwilling to embrace the potential greatness of the story we are actually in. We think God is unjust, rather than a master storyteller."
Donald Miller, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years

Well, if this is true, I should take heart. Today was an especially difficult day.


  1. :((((( Mine was too. I love you sooooo much.
    -A Lonely Sars

  2. I think you're great. wanna hear a funny story? ok. so in the Lounge area here at school this guy is freaking out about his farm on Farmville on Facebook. I think it is hilarious and he is getting really angry about how bad his virtual farm is going. He puts so much time and effort into it, investing money, virtual petting time for the animals, and cultuvating digital strawberries hahahhaa. it has the "Hilarious" stamp all over it.
    -Ben ;)

  3. Reminds me of a classic Carole King song:

    My life has been a tapestry of rich and royal hue
    An everlasting vision of the everchanging view.
    A wondrous woven magic in bits of blue and gold,
    A tapestry to feel and see, impossible to hold.

    (We tend to look at our tapestry from the back, where it looks like a messy hodge-podge, and doesn't make sense. But God sees the front: a beautiful, intricate picture created by Him.)

    His grace is sufficient.

    - Mom
